Thursday, April 12, 2007

Random thoughts/conversations

Why did we start to care? Traveling by bus, feeling attractive doesn’t last long. Its takes a look to makes us feel cheap. A comment. A stray guffaw. Was that something about me? Should I react?

Picking up a fight is choice to make with much deliberation. Where am I? Can I expect support? I don’t know Kannada, is that going to work against me? How much before it hurts his ‘manliness’?

“What’s the need for all this?”
“Gender stereotyping that mars an individual’s lawful freedom must go”
“Is all stereotyping bad?”
", I guess not."

“I don’t drop my buddies home if its after 11. But I drop you everytime and you expect it, don’t you?"

“There is a difference between bias and discrimination. For example, I am biased to look at men as responsible. But the minute I stop a woman for doing something, like an important task because I expect her to be irresponsible, that’s discrimination.”

“Ok admitted stereotyping makes things easier for us and it actually makes sense. In a harmless way as children we classified things as living and non-living. As plants, as animals, as wild, domestic, etc, because it helped us associate a set of behavioural patterns with a name. But sometimes this harmless classification can get restrictive. Man – breadwinner, strong, tall, broad shouldered. Woman – kind, caring, motherly, frail, fragile.”

“Women just want to be fashionable and dress to the latest trends. They just want attention. If they don’t dress decently – I don’t need to tell you what that is, right? – if they dress that way, then boys will comment. They shouldn’t dress that way, thats all.”

“I don’t need any of this empowerment shit. I really don’t think it’s needed - what you are doing. Women today can handle all this much better. Maybe women in villages need all this talk and all. Not us in the city.”

We spoke to others. We spoke to each other. And soon it was too late to wonder why we cared. We did. We've heard people laugh at our initial attempts at running self-defence classes, disbelief that this would change anything. Sometimes we are struck by the futility of our efforts. Then we step onto the streets and look troubled at the gang of laughing workmen. Just a bunch of riotous lads, but we keep watch over them from the corner of our eye. A part of us always aware that we are being watched too. One of us wants to light up. There’s no way we can on the road. We walk up to a deserted spot and get ready to stare down anyone who passes by.

Back at work where they are talking about going out drinking, a boy’s night out. They think, nay expect, that we wouldn’t ‘understand’ a thing about hangovers, drunken talk, bonding over beer. They expect us to blink stupidly back, which we do, cause we have enough battles to fight already. There is that subtle line between just expecting and stereotyping. Between when you've just let it be known where you where last night to when you're made to feel more and more alien to the group.

Sometimes it’s easier to hide within the boundaries of expectations, no?


The Nut said...

Honestly i'm not sure if your feminist instincts/aggression is really valid in today's world. I stopped by in your blog randomly and was actually stumped at the message your posts are tryna convey. Is it seriously THAT unsafe for women?! Are MOST of the men like that!? Are you living around the right kinda ppl?? Are you from Mumbai?!

I come from B'lore and honestly, it still is a pretty safe place according to me. If you really compare to places like Mumbai and Delhi, we have much safer grounds here. I do support the thought of empowering women with self defence techniques though. :-)

And coming to the kinda men u describe in your post, ignore them. The vast majority are gentlemen like me. :D

~ An arbitrary nut.

Psyche said...

Ah, firstly yay!! You're the second blogger (and man too!) to stop by, so we already like you :)

About the why? - isnt it really safe in blore. Hmm.. nope! And it isnt even the sublimal looks or gazes I talk about (though thats in plenty) but extremely text-book eve teasing I talk about.

We've run now what? 6 sessions already? And believe everyone has a story to tell.

I hope you know women you travel by bikes or buses (public ones, not the infosys ITPL ones). Do ask them this question. Ask them if they do not hold on to the front end of the bus with all their life and whether they do not cringe and pray profusely if they did get pushed back to the 'gent-ladies' dividing line. Ask her if she'd bravely ever walk down KR market or majestic subway alone? Even fully covered ask her if she has never heard a lewd remark, felt an intention brush/pinch, or had someone flash at her.

Anyway, we arent just about street harasment. We want to also understand what generating it? Why do men harass and why do women take it? The fact that you think its no longer happening is because no one wants to talk about what happened to them. We need to understand why this happens as well.

The Nut said...

Okie! You are not from Mumbai after all. A lady from B'lore feels insecure travelling in bus, walking thro subways, riding a bike. Rather shameful scenario for men around here.

About all the stuff you mentioned about women and their insecurities, I totally agree. But, aren't the women responsible in one way or the other? Provocative dressing being one of them? A huge chunk in B'lore are still lower middle class / lower class folks. Feeling up a woman in a bus might be the only close to life activity for them. They don't come across women they picture after watching the innumerable obscene movies being made these days everyday of their life do they?! So when given a chance, they want to grab it [her].

I am not arguing as to why women should not go thro' a training program to equip them with self defence methods. All i am trying to convey is that by adapting the right lifestyles et al, women can actually minimize the torture by almost 50%. Chew on these thoughts..........

PS: I'm yet to come across a member of the fairer sex who I personally know, complain about safety in this city.

*Scratches head* Do I live in this city at all?!!!?

~ An arbitrary nut.

Psyche said...

arbit nut - since you dont know the women who are getting felt up, how can you say that they dressed provocatively? As someone who's been there, been felt up, let me tell you this has nothing to do with the way i was dressed. Its sad that men offer this as defense for inexcusable behaviour.

Much can be said, but thankful most of this has been said - read

Yes, there is no such thing as ASKING FOR IT!!

The Nut said...

Geez!! I got myself into this didn't I? * Shakes his head *

* Angrily * Damn you NUT!

I visited like you suggested. Amazing! Are all women in India against men?! The numbers are increasing alarmingly, isn't it??

This will be my last comment on this post coz one more from me and i'll be classified a "Stalker" by you.

When I said i don't know women who get `felt up', what i really meant was that i PERSONALLY don't. I know the way men react to sightings of specific set of women. I know exactly why they react in that way. Trust me Priya, it is the way the girl is dressed. Another reason is that the girl happens to be attractive. Now the latter is not her fault. She can at least change the former. Look repulsive, be ignored.

Oh and there definitely is sumtin called ASKING FOR IT. They do! A few women do! I've seen it. They're lucky if they are around men who are not cannibals.

Btw, wouldn't a Swiss army knife, pepper spray and a foul mouth not suffice to defend oneself? Or better, watch Face off. JT has a tip or 2 for you.

For one last time......

~ An arbitrary nut.

PS: With best wishes. :-)

Bipin Preet Singh said...

I can't believe this nut could come up with these words ," Look Repulsive. Be ignored" . This is exactly the MCP stuff that most geezers and eve-teasers use as a moral justification.

And Dude( the nut), I personally know many females who have been eve-teased , leered at and commented upon in Bangalore. And don't harp on about Mumbai or Delhi. Mumbai is much more safer for women than you know. At least the females from Mumbai, whom I know, vouch for it. And I guess when it comes to issues of safety, your word is hardly credible since you are not on the receiving end.

Meera said...


Meera said...

I want to share in some of the action. I agree with Bipin - Mumbai is one of the safest places I know. I lived in Blore for two years and mumbai for three..mumbai is way cooler dude!!!
anyway, as a girl, who travels on public transport all the time, even in delhi, i DO realise what this blog is about.
I think personaly that there is no justification for the way men look, and grope and pass comments.
It is very sad that there are educated people out there who say 'look repulsive'. I wonder how you would react if i asked you never to open your mouth in case you said something offensive again.
The point is that as a person, im entitled to wear what i feel is ok, im allowed to look attractive - in fact - I WANT TO LOOK ATTARCTIVE. and that is noone else's business but mine.

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Anonymous said...
