Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Thousand Dreams....

It continues to bother me and I guess it always will. Women portrayed in Indian Cinema. I've wondered why it continues to be so, why for easy laughs, the pretty woman with an active sex drive, is portrayed as a bimbette who flutters her eyelashes and goes oooh what are doing, but enjoys it all the same. And she'd be the woman in the movie who'll have to wear all the short skirts and deep necks, not the good heroine.

And then I found this gem of an insight. Sudhir Mishra, the creator of Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi was asked: So you believe that there’s still hope for intelligent cinema?

And he said:
"I do but most of our distributors don’t trust the audiences enough. There’s a latent obscene eve teaser in many of these traders who believes that all human beings are like him. Consequently, they are only interested in churning out crap."



Manaswini said...

Vicarious pleasure, for such audience. But priya, these are not restricted to Hindi films only. What about the tv series 'Baywatch' and the likes? If there's a market, there will be providers... However, things and times are a changing. More women-sensitive cinema hitting the theaters when compared with the '80s and '90s...

Chrisann said...

its the madona-whore archetype all over again...either yo are the virgin or the slut
what about the wide expanse in between?
its actually the bad girls that have all the fun...
men just want to believe they go back to the good girl in the morning

Psyche said...

yea Manu, I agree..there is a market out there. And there are people maintaining that market by refusing to feed them anything else.

Things are changing, thank god for that.. but you know, that eve teaser out there.. he isnt watiching Life in a Metro or Shrek. His movie is still that crap that was in the 90s, or whenever. Its not changed, because what he's used to, is still out there.

Its when mainstream cinema changes, when the deols and salman khans and Priyankas outta there start starring in these women-sensitive cinemas, will his sensitivities change. Dont you think?

Ga-Joob said...

@ Priya

Changing cinema would hardly change the way most people think.
Grass root education, thats where you hit them.
But to most,sadly, films ARE grass root education. There are many 'non-eve-teasing' individuals who like to unwind by watching UTTER nonsense... 'Life in a metro' stirs thought, and it is nice... but for most junta, who are so caught up with issues of basic sustenance, and no matter what their mindset or IQ is, sometimes, even a 'Bhagam Bhag' will help relieve stress.

Curbing or 'Changing' art is not a permanent solution. (Yes, give those movies the liberty of being classified as Art.) Individuals should not be force-fed art... they should choose. For when art is force fed, it is despised.
Also,when certain art is despised, alternatives are sought after.

Imagine a world with a majority of movies like "Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi" and "Life in a Metro" .... a movie providing 'easy laughs' might just be considered eclectic!

The evolution of art, i guess, is very 'rebel-based'.

Sweet post... sorry for this ultra long 'comment' :)

Ga-Joob said...

@ Priya

You can ask for ANY kind of art, and chances are, you'll find it too. There will always be someone to rebel mainstream, and not just for the sake of it either. There have been many movies, and half of which we havent even heard of. Hopefully, the internet will prove a better media than the regular newspapers, wrt to a search for 'eclectic' art.

But still, the point of your post.. how do we promote 'good' movies to the general public, especially when most distributors dont prefer such movies. I have a feeling it could turn into another 'censor board' of sorts. 'Quality movie filter board'

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Anonymous said...
