Friday, April 27, 2007

Men are tough and dangerous people. Avoid hurting ego at all costs.

A few days back a friend called while in the middle of an argument with an auto driver. Apparently the meter was tampered with and the fare was way too high. As she was speaking, warning bells went off in my head – Is she on a lonely road, will she ‘go overboard’ and swear at him, I hope its not too much of a scene!

Thankfully she was angry, not afraid. So she stood her ground and fought back hard in broken Kannada. I didn’t transmit any of my fears over the phone, knowing well that it was ill found. But strange isn’t it, how we always assume ‘local chaps’ mean trouble? That they will get dirty and you’re better off not picking a fight with them?

Well I have had some nasty fights with mechanic, conductors, etc. Fights on the road/public kinda things. So no matter what my apprehensions I still go ahead and fight it out, but those darn warning bells are so annoying. The last time I fought with an auto driver, I stopped going to the auto stand, where he usually hung out, for a week! Tell me, does anyone else here share this same anticipatory fear of a ‘scene’?

Moving on, was doing a lot of browsing. Seems like, feminism though not new to India, is gaining a lot of urban ground of all. The new-age feminist is however not asking for right education or to work. Around the world, she is found asking for fair representation in literature, right to public space, for equal opportunities in art and stopping of stereotyping in advertisements/media (if you haven’t already seen this ad, you must!)

How about representation of women in mainstream cinema? That’s something that has always got me up in arms – the way the hero always saves the women while she stands screeching in the background. And mostly it’s her fault that she got into trouble in the first place, because she wore something she should have (remember Raja Hindustani, when Karisma wears that red dress and the next scene – after understanding the gravity of her mistake – she dons a salwar kameez?). Movies like DDLJ or Kal Ho Na Ho, had the lead (and decent) lady drinking for the first time because she was tricked or dared, or was unusually pissed about something. Some terrible circumstances, mind you, not that she wanted to, or is used to drinking. Pah! I can go on and on, but what do the rest of you think - Women in mainstream Indian Movies…. What’s your take?


Meera said...

I loved that Ad too!

Shom Biswas said...

Just a tiny little inconsequential blah -
Mainstream movies are just that, mainstream. Catering to the main stream, the most common stream of societal thought process. Which is pretty much what the previous post in this blog mentions about. Unless society changes, isn't it too much to expect mainstream movies (which are expected to cater to the lowest common denominator of society)to change?

Sathish said...
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Sathish said...

Why to bother about who is not with us?

Why not clear the childs (guys) illusions about a girl?

Ash said...

Well don't dicount the fact that you could get hurt. Are you training for it?

Psyche said...

@meera: no? and there are others too on their website. a must check out.

@sinfully pinstripe: hey there :) yea, it does seems like a huge task, but someone got to start sometime no?

@sathish: hmmm... not sure what you mean by that, could you explain please?

@ash: Thats why we are going to be training with you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
