Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Self defence with Jagruti girls

After a lull of many weeks, we were egged to some activity by an opportunity we suddenly found in a sports meet organized by Power of We, for a group of 40 girls in the age group between 16 and 22 years. These girls are a part of Jagruti, a learning centre for economically underprivileged people, primarily working towards spreading awareness on HIV/AIDS.

The meet was held on Sunday, 27th May. Get Eve-in was allotted one hour, towards the end of the event, to impart some simple tips on self-defence. We were a tad apprehensive, especially as the clock ticked, wondering how we, just the two of us, would deal with this boisterous bunch of girls, who were squabbling over the results of a previous event. The apprehension was accentuated when we realized that this was the first time we were dealing with a group that also included victims of sexual abuse. This was our true challenge; after all, our vision is to make women comfortable with themselves, their backgrounds and removing all impediments to their freedom of expression!

So began our one hour session with the girls. We formed a circle so that we were compact and our instructions could be heard clearly. Priya started with the need for self-defence without talking specifically about eve-teasing; instead stressing on the importance of safety, say from a chain-snatcher, etc. We had to bear in mind that it was an open field and we had a lot of passers-by – mostly men – as our audience as well. We didn’t want to make it difficult for the girls and ourselves by spending our energy warding off negative forces that could’ve been stoked if we hadn’t tempered down. We started with the forearm and shin chop – a form involving repeated strikes on the forearm and shin area. While doing so, we asked them whether it hurt. We never knew that histrionics was in store for us at this point - the girls were ‘groaning’ in pain caused by the repeated ‘chopping’. “Nauvu aagthaide, aunty”, “Thumba ne nauvu aagthaide” all without a straight face. It was a funny sight. We proceeded, showing them the other forms – use of weight or the drunken fall; V-slide and finally the STING. In order to demonstrate the STING form and show other pain points, we divided them into two groups as this was one of the key tips in self-defence and also to ensure that we had their attention. The girls were smart and memorized the pain points in no time; possibly this was their favorite form, chuckling away as it was being explained.

We quickly recapitulated all the forms as we ended our session. The girls flocked Priya and I, thanking us for spending time with them and for providing some useful tips; this was probably the norm at such events, but their love was unconditional – we were moved. They invited us with excitement, to visit their community centre; took our phone numbers saying they will stay in touch. Their enthusiasm and zest for life was refreshing.

Even though we didn’t elicit their experiences of sexual harassment and how they would use these forms; even though they didn’t ask us the ways to get out of certain situations, we are sure that the session will nevertheless be helpful. Hope to see you soon, girls!


Vikram said...

Very nice session..!!I guess the girls, though initially a bit apprehensive about whats going on in a Sports Day, took took it pretty fast and in the end i could see them really enjoying and appreciating the usefulness of the things taught. Hope you guys work more often with such girls/women too. Good luck....!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
