Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Yesterday's workshop

Yesterday we joined Dr Sangeeta and Shamira from Enfoldindia as they conducted the last leg of their sex-education workshop in a school. It was a beautifully designed course that ended with safety tips for the children. Batch after batch we demonstrated the few tips we knew. The girls trooped in hour after hour - 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th standard. After every session the girls would stay back and ask,
“Ma’am, if someone touched my bum in a concert, would that be considered as sexual harassment”
“Ma’am what do you do if the auto driver keeps adjusting the mirror to look at you?”
“If he only calls us names but doesn’t touch us?”
“We went for a school trip once and the person in charge kept holding every girl tightly around the waist, even when we protested!”.

So many questions, incidents, experiences. They were all between 12 to 16 years olds. They certainly didn’t ‘ask for it!!!’

I just hope whatever self defence tips we managed to squeeze in, helps them. And that they get even with every pervert out there who dares to hurt/touch/abuse them.


i hang like a star; said...

Sounds like a plan.

(more power. less pain.)

Sathish said...

mmm.. Is it not we should try to correct those who are wrong? rather than....

Why is that we give more importance to body?

Chrisann said...

shut up sathish! :)

Priya: i cannot tell you how many times I'm face with this with my girls (i counsell 15-18 yr olds)
I also do sessions with girls and its appaling how much they have to bear...
I mean I live in mumbai and I'm sick of cat calls and whistles and lewd remarks
how do we stop it?

Psyche said...

@ihanglikeastar: Thanks :) We hope so too

@Sathish: hmm you'd like us to correct those who are wrong, meaning the eve-teasers? Then I agree. Would be good for THEM to stop focusing so much on OUR bodies!!

@Chrisann: To start with we are dispensing off self defence tips freely, across the city. Most of this focuses on body language and the right mind set to have about your body.
We believe that a certain critical mass that stops letting eve-teasers and molesters get away with it, will result in a change in how society (men and women) as a whole view the women.

Might sound a lot we've bitten off, but we werent happy with focusing on any less :)

Meera said...

We all went thru sex education class im surprised that kids came up with so many questions..The system in our country does not uphold the rights of women and children who feel insecure at all..
in incident happened at a placed i worked in - a girl was molested by one of her seniours..and she went to her friends for help..the workplace had a well touted "sexual harrasment policy" and so the friends advised her to go to the head of the committee.

What ultimately happened was that the accused got away scot free- and the girl had to change cities to get away from the hostility she fact, the workplace became unbearable for not just her..but many of her contemporaries and collegues and friends as well..

it is very sad that a redress system that is so publicized would let u down like this..and that now, noone in that place will ever go to the committee person again..

Manaswini said...

That is discouraging indeed! Women should be empowered enough to make use of the law of the land/policies that are made to safeguard her rights! It is disheartening to see women, even pregnant women, struggling while traveling by buses while men loll about in seats reserved for women! Why are they mute?! The issue of reservation, however, is a different and is not within the scope of this comment of mine.

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Anonymous said...
